The best place to begin is with the year level that your child is currently in.  See table below.  Still not sure?  Shoot me an email:

Year One

Year Level Beginning Point Too easy? Too hard?
Prep The Prep Collection: Level One Try the next level up, until you find a more challenging level. Persevere – read the story to your child, and then read it together with your child.  It will get easier – hang in there!
Year One The Year One Collection: Level Nine Try the next level up, until you find a more challenging level. Go back to The Prep Collection and try from Level Four.
Still too hard? Go back to Level Two
Too easy?Move up a level until you find a more challenging level.
Year Two The Year Two Collection: Level Seventeen Try the next level up, until you find a more challenging level. Go back to The Year One  Collection and try Level Fifteen.
Still too hard? Go back to Level Ten
Too easy?
Move up a level until you find a more challenging level.

Absolutely! Children who can already read, will also enjoy reading about the adventures of the BORN2READ characters. Find their level, and read away. It is a great way to save money and space, as there are over 500 stories to read online.

Yes! I would love to hear from you if you have any questions or need some help – I’m just an email away.

You can access BORN2READ for all the children in your family for just the one low membership fee.

Yes! When you commit to 10 minutes, 5 days a week, you will be amazed at how quickly your child’s reading ability will improve.